Project 5A: Development of a Small Commercial Property
Existing Condition Team Project
This project is a service learning team project to prepare a set of as built and existing condition drawings and propose energy efficient upgrades for an office building at 700 Canal Road in Mount Sinai, which has a square footage of 1,500 square feet. According to the specifications, the requirements are as follows:
1. The assigned building had to be visited for the duration of the class. A large sketchbook and pencils, as well as a 200' measuring tape, had to be used in order to construct sketches of the building's existing floorplan, elevations, and sections.
2. The building and the site had to be examined thoroughly and in the correct manner (i.e. the minimum amount of time examining the building and pointing out certain details that must be included is three hours).
3. The windows/glazing types, outlet locations, diffusers, HVAC equipment, and wall compositions had to be measured and drawn without entering onto the roof or any other prohibited area of the building itself.
4. The outline is as follows:
a. Title sheet with index, tax map/location map numbers, symbols, exterior photo of the building, geographic climate chart, notes, and abbreviations.
b. Not-to-scale aerial view of the site
c. Floor plans (regular/electrical) of each floor at 1/8"=1'
d. Roof plan at 1/8"=1'
e. Building sectional views (cross/longitudinal) at 1/8"=1'
f. Elevation views at 1/8"=1'
g. Three existing exterior wall details at 3/4"=1' and three new wall details at 3/4"=1' with energy saving retrofit proposals
h. Room finish/existing window/existing door schedules, and one sheet of photos of the existing building
Please note that the contractor must verify all dimensions and conditions in the field. This project uses a paper size of 24" x 36", and the heights to the door and window sill must be included, as well as room heights and wall elevations beyond the sectional views. All important elevations relevant to the project are included for further reference.