Here is the list of architectural projects that have been created in Architectural Design II.

Project 1
Form and Function/Expression of Truth and Beauty
This project examines the relationship of form and function in architectural design. It encourages the awareness of truth, whatever position the designer takes, and promotes the arbitrary aesthetic of “functional” beauty.
The requirements of the project were to create a bridge with a span length of 190' and a height of 10'. The bridge was required to have movable components to allow a 30' x 40' object to pass through. Consequently, the movable components would have to feature ideas that are derived from analogies.

Project 2
Contextual Fit/Addition to an Existing Order
This project requires that the ordering system of the prior and prototypical model be received and understood so that the original design concept can be clarified, strengthened, and built upon through a series of finite changes and permutations without replicating an outdated building in such a manner that it can destroy the Smith House's character. This house was originally designed by architect Richard Meier in the mid-1960s, but its owners' needs have changed since the house was designed and constructed.

Project 3
Light/Form and Order Maker
This project deals with a set of plans for a proposed non-denominational chapel that would be located on the grounds of Farmingdale State College. Since the sun angle is very important with regards to the chapel's design, several crucial steps are necessary to ensure that the chapel can receive as much light as possible.